30 Jun Moffat Rooted Car Rally 2019
We drove up independently taking in all the A & B roads only using the motorway to bypass Carlisle. It was a beautiful run blue sky all the way.
We had taken an Air B&B in Eskdalemuir which was idyllic, a cottage within an old farm complex, the proprietors Jock and Rosie were great and very generous.
An early start 8 am on Saturday morning to arrive in Moffat on the Show Field in time to register for the road run.
The road run leaves from Moffat’s very picturesque town square at 12 noon prompt. Again we were again seen off with two highland pipers in full Scottish dress along with a large crowd of spectators, there were in excess of 300 cars on the run.
This year the route was in a clockwise direction, it alternates each year, out of Moffat on the A701 then after about 14 miles, we took a right turn on to a single track road for about 12 miles passing Talla and Megget reservoirs on the right.
A very beautiful scenic route with water and forests all around, going this way around, one has to negotiate a very steep single track pass which can prove very taxing if not terminal for some vehicles. On our way around we passed a very smart AA Patrolman in full uniform along with his motorbike and sidecar, as we all passed he saluted which took one back to the days when motoring was a more gentle and enjoyable pastime. One could then stop at leisure and have their picnics at various viewpoints. Fortunately the weather was kind to us, we made it all the way around without rain.
Arriving back in Moffat there was a civic reception, a finger buffet with drinks, held in the restaurant of the Scottish Woollen Mill outlet, a very nice touch to end a very pleasant day.
On the Sunday we all formed up as directed on the main field, in addition there were numerous Club Stands and retail outlets in adjacent fields, all in all a very big show. I believe on the Sunday there were in excess of 900 vehicles of various makes and ages. Unfortunately the weather on Sunday was not in our favour, we had light showers in the morning, but around 2pm there was a torrential downpour which went on for a while and really put a damper on the remainder of the day with a number of people leaving early. A great shame after so many people have put so much effort into organising an event of this size.
Wolseley Owners Club was represented by David and Valerie from the Northern Area, along with their daughter Philippa, Ron and Mavis from the North West Area, John and Carol from the Northern Area along with ourselves Steve and Ruth from the North West Area. There were quite a number of other Wolseley’s there of various models and ages. All in All a great show, compliments to the organisers and their helpers. Without them there would not be a show.
Steve Worthington
North West Area
Pictures taken by members Carol and John Oulton, Northern area, attending the Moffat event – 2 of these before the Saturday run.
Additional Report and pictures from Phillipa Bellsham, Northern member.
I set off from Milburn after lunch to drive up to Moffat. On a hot Friday afternoon we had the route planned A66 to Penrith A6 to Carlisle, the short bob up the M6 to by Carlisle, the A7 to Longtown, the B7076 alongside the M6 to Beatock, the A701 into Moffat, it took about 2 hours 20 mins in convoy with Dad and Mum David and Valerie and Ron and Mavis, club members. We arrived all safely, but very hot and sweaty! Well I was not sure about the others!
On the Saturday, I had never done this road run before, so I followed other members to see how it was done in their car, as I was rather unsure of it and I am pleased I did it well, but you need faith in your old car. The show on Sunday the morning was dry but unfortunately the afternoon was rather wet towards the end of the show day.
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