17 Jun Clwyd Veteran & Vintage Machinery Rally
On Sunday 17th June 2012, Wolseley Owners Club members met at the Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally held at Oswestry showground in Shropshire.
Six Wolseleys were displayed together underneath the Wolseley Owners Club flag, whilst the banner was proudly displayed at the main arena edge. These included a Mk II 1500, Mk III 1500, 4/44, Mini Hornet, Wasp, and another Mk III 1500.
There was much to see including mechanical attractions – engines, tractors, commercials, vintage military vehicles, buses, fire engines, classic cars and motorcycles and vintage horse drawn vehicles. Inside there were undercover craft displays, merchandise and models. Outside around the showground, there was many interesting displays and an auto-jumble.
A brilliant weekend and a great turnout of several members and their families.
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Owners Club wasp
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Owners Club Mk III 1500
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Owners Club members
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Owners Club display
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Owners Club 1500s
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Classic cars
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Owners Club Mk III 1500
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Owners Club Mk II 1500
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Owners Club mini hornet
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Owners Club members – Mk II 1500
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Owners Club hornet wasp 1500
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Owners Club 4/44
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Commercial
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Classic cars
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Classic cars
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Classic cars
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Classic cars
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Owners Club wasp
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Owners Club members
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Owners Club member, friend, and rally organiser
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Owners Club members
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Owners Club banners
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wallis tractor
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Motorbikes
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Commercial
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Classic cars
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Stationery Engine – WD1 – 1943
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Stationery Engine
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Stationery Engine
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Wolseley Owners Club members Austin
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Commercial
- Clwyd Veteran and Vintage Machinery Rally, Oswestry 17th June 2012 Commercial
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