26 Jun 2016 Moffat Car Rally
Event Report on Moffat, Scotland by members Valerie Bellsham …
We enjoyed the run through the Moffat hills on the Saturday. This year we went anti-clockwise to Tibbie Shields. Some enthusiasts stopped there. The drive was good fun and this year a drone was taking pictures which were later sold on video, the profits going to Macmillan charity. David and I met up with Ron and Mavis, Steve and Carol, North West members and Alan and Lian, North East members and Steve and Joanne, Yorkshire members and others. On Saturday evening we went to the Reception organised by the Mayor. On Sunday we all went to the gathering in the showground in Moffat, where there were many classic cars and an auto-jumble. All in all, a sometimes wet but good weekend.
… and Steve Turner
Along with friends who attended WOCFEST 2 with us in June, we headed up to Moffat arriving in time for the scenic run to St. Mary’s Loch. We had a nice ride up to the Loch and a breezy and slightly damp lunch but we made the best of it and soon set off back to Moffat. It had been my plan to have an hour or two sleep before our night out, but sadly this wasn’t to be as half way back my friend’s Oxford decided to break a spring. Luckily I had my patent spring clamp with me and a trolley jack and tools so we jacked up the car and kicked the spring back in to place and clamped it up and all was well until we got back to Moffat. Then we found the hand brake was seized on and the N/S/R brake very hot. We left it to cool down and I sorted that one the next morning before breakfast. We had a great night out in the Annandale Arms, local pub in Moffat, listening to the local country/folk Singers. A great weekend.
- 2016 Moffatt car rally
- 2016 Moffatt car rally
- 2016 Moffatt car rally
- 2016 Moffatt car rally
- 2016 Moffatt car rally
- 2016 Moffatt car rally
- 2016 Moffatt car rally
- 2016 Moffatt car rally
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