Title: * —Please choose an option—Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.Prof.Rev.Other
Surname: *
First Name(s): *
Date of Birth: *
E-Mail Address: *
Postal Address: *
Telephone Number (Home):
Telephone Number (Mobile):
If you have more than one vehicle, you can add additional vehicle details once your membership application has been processed
Registration Number:
Car/Chassis Number:
Engine Number:
Current Vehicle Insurer:
Insurance Renewal Date:
Interesting History or Facts:
Like all voluntary organisations, The Wolseley Owners Club is always looking for any assistance. If you feel you can help us to run your club, or have any specialist skills or facilities that could benefit the club or its members, please let us know.
Please tick as many boxes as applicable
AdministrationAdvertisingSecretarialEvent OrganisationRegional ContactLegalTechnicalHistorical
Details of any specialist skills or facilities:
We would appreciate your input by filling in this short questionnaire. You will be helping to shape the future of your club. Please let us know what events interest you most, tick all that apply:
Small Village ShowsLarger National ShowsOne Marque ShowsJoint Shows with Other Clubs
Approximately how far would you be willing to travel for a static Show?
Not prepared to TravelUp to 10 MilesUp to 20 MilesUp to 50 MilesUp to 100 MilesUp to 150 MilesUp to 200 MilesUp to 300 MilesUp to 500 MilesUp to 750 MilesUp to 1000 MilesDistance is no object!
Small Local RunsLarger National RunsInternational Driving Events
Roughly how far would you be willing to travel for a Driving Event?
Hands on Workshop DaysTreasure HuntsAutotestsLocal Pub Meets/BarbequesOrganised Visits To Museums etc.Concours CompetitionsQuiz/Raffles & Other CompetitionsTechnical Talks & Shows
Please use the space below for any additional information or comments you would like us to know about.
I agree to the Wolseley Owners Club terms and conditions (to read these click here)
By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Click here to read our Privacy Policy